A brief introduction to the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei
Practiced in the Deep Mountains to become a Dharmakaya Master
In December 1958, in Yizhou, Guangxi Autonomous Region of China, the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei was born. During his early childhood, he had the great fortune to be ferried over by the hermit, his Greatness Master Jinyin, a great Dharmaraja of Esoteric Buddhism. In the Lianyin Mountains, he was given the Dharma name “Jinke Xuanlei” in his initiation into Esoteric Buddhism, his master bestowing him with Vajrayana Abhisheka. For more than ten years, with immense concentration and rigid austerity the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei practicedEsoteric Buddhism and achieved Wholly Complete Enlightenment. During this time with guidance from his master he studied and practiced: the Mahavairocana Sutra, the VajrasekharaSutra, the Sussiddhikara Sutra, the Fundamentals of Tripitaka, the Sutra ofPerfect Enlightenment, the Esoteric Abhisheka by Master, the Yogayogi Sutra, the Ghanavyuha Sutra, the Avatamsaka Sutra, the Surangama Sutra,the Dharma to Reach the Holy World by Dharani, the Humane King Sutra, the Bodhicitta Sutra, the Commentary on the Mahayana Treatise, the Sun and Moon,the Jinke Mandala Vajradhatu and Garbhadhatu Esoteric Tripitaka, the Esoteric Inner Dharma Sequential Meditation, the Ridhisaksatkriya Shila and Vinaya and many other classics of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.
Upon reaching enlightenment he was fully awakened to the esoteric essences of the Tathagata, mastered the five ancient sciences and attained the complete truth of all Dharma. His Spirit ascended into the divine realm of the Buddhas and there he was predicted by the Mahavairocana to reach Buddhahood and attain divine wisdom from enlightenment and inherit the lineage of the Dharmakaya essences from Tathagata within Jinke Saddharma. The Samhogakaya of Bodhisattva Manjusrimanifested in front of him while in a deep state of meditation bestowing on himAbhisheka and taught him the most complete doctrines of Anuttarayoga. Many might know that The Vajra master Jinke Xuanlei was born and raised in Guangxi, was introduced to and practiced Esoteric Buddhism, but few know the rigorous hardships he had to overcome.
Into the depths of the freezing, windswept forest he went. There within the desolate wilderness, the sky was his tent and the earth his bed, in the domain of snakes and ferocious beasts. Battling with the extremes of the natural world all year round and deprived of all necessities, fruits, and dew was all there was. In the mists of mountain peaks he meditated and in the flow of mountain streams he exercised day in and day out. He suffered hardships none had suffered before and endured pains none have suffered since! There is a saying in Chinese: He who is enjoying the taste of fruits often forget the hardships of those who cultivate.” Even with his endurance stretched beyond the bounds he eventually conquered all in his path to become aMa ha sidd ha of perfect enlightenment. The brutal forces of Nature have made his will as strong as steel and the infinite information of the cosmos has given him the strength to overcome all worldly thoughts and enter Prajna Sainthood. After all his achievements he did not forget about the people. With an all-merciful heart, he left the mountains to be amongst them, for the benefit of all.
An Overview of the Lineage of Sino Esoteric Buddhism
Sino esoteric Buddhism is also known as Vajrayana Buddhism. It originally came to prominence during the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty when IndianMahasiddhas of the Madhyamaka School and Yogacara School of Mahayana Buddhism brought Vajrayana Buddhism to the royal court of China. Subhakarasimha came via the inland Silk road Vajrabohdi and his disciple Amoghavajra traveled by the maritime SilkRoad. As such, the practitioners now revere Vajrabohdi as the founder of Sino Esoteric Buddhism and his disciple Amoghavajra as his successor. These Mahasiddhas translated enormous volumes of Buddhist Sutras from Sanskrit to Chinese that continued to benefit the generations thereafter. Huilang was appointed successor by Amoghavajra, the provenance of this lineage to be found in many historical documents.
As the end of the Middle Day of Law approached towards the end of the latter periods of theTang Dynasty, Skhanda-maras entered the Human Realm to be reborn as humans. Filled with the obsession of Imperialism the Emperor Wuzong began the Great Anti-Buddhist Persecution which caused the decline of Buddhism in China. Many assumed that Sino esoteric Buddhism started to diminish during this period even though later during the Song Dynasty there were many virtuous Dharmacharyas such as Shichuan, Shihu and Faxian. They continued to translate sutras and propagate Buddha Dharma but there was no enlightened master to carry on the lineage of esoteric Abhisheka thus leading to the belief that Esoteric Buddhism had disappeared after the Yuan Dynasty. It is thought by popular belief that between Exoteric and Esoteric Buddhism that Esoteric Buddhism was the first to perish, and between the Dharmata sect and the Wei-shi school, Wei-shi was the first to fade away. Unknown to the general public, neither Esoteric Buddhism nor the Wei-shi school disappeared but took refuge in the mountains to continue passing down their lineages in secret. The lineage of the Dharmakaya embodiment has been passed down since the latter period of the Tang Dynasty. This has been passed down to many great masters such as Master Qizhenxinghai, Master Rilunjiemo, Master Bayinduda,Master Jinyin and Master Jinke Xuanlei. Within the deep mountain forests of Dian, Gui, and Qian regions ofC hina, these Mahasiddhas live in seclusion to practice esoteric Buddhism. Years of hardships and deep meditations give them access to pure and untainted wisdoms of Vajrayana Samadhi. On attaining such wisdoms, they would be covered with radiances from the truth of Vajrayana Buddhism and their Dharmakayas would shine on the entire Buddhists’ worlds in the ten directions. Their divine spirits would reached the realm of the Buddhas to embody the Tathagata’s Photon like Dharmakaya; neither whence nor whither, both real and unreal, no death nor birth, and be always enlightened in all of eternity. Because of the Depended Originations and the wills of sentient beings had not reached its full potential during the Mappo era, these great masters remained in the deep mountains to ferry over willing sentient beings in the Dharma worlds and those in our world who possess enough deeds of blessed virtues, Buddha-nature,wisdom, and temperament.
The ultimate goals of practicing Sino Esoteric Buddhism are to attain Buddhahoodand also to teach the doctrines of the Buddha to all sentient beings. Sino Esoteric Buddhism therefore also pays great attentions to the exoteric methods of practicing the dharma. When facing the practitioners of the Dharmatasect and the Wei-shi School, Sino Esoteric Buddhism chooses different methods to teach the true meanings of “Sunyata” (Void) and “Bhava” (State of being) baseon the temperament of each individual. These methods are also combined with esoteric practices to attain different levels of enlightenment. The essences of Sino Esoteric Buddhism lie in the lineage of Dharmakaya embodiment through esoteric practice of Mahasamaya dharma. Because of its method of transmission, non-esoteric practitioners wouldnot have access to know of its existence. The Chinese imperial families had always believed in Sino Esoteric Buddhism, but they were bound by the vows of samaya to keep a tight seal on the Rituals of Dharani from the esoteric essences; unsanctioned transmission toothers were strictly prohibited. It was very hard for the general populace to know the true natures of Sino Esoteric Buddhism, this resulting in the assumption that it had disappeared from the Hanregion. The real truth was that it had only disappeared from the main streams of Buddhism, but disappearing does notmean it had perished. The lineage ofembodying Tathagata’s Dharmakaya will never perish, and it is the same for allt he esoteric essences of Tathagata. Whenthe dependent origination for its existence has perished it will be concealed;and when the dependent origination for its existence has been met it will reappear again. This is the truth of alldharma and forever will be so. TheShingon sect, the Tendai sect, the Tibetan sect and the miscellaneous sect ofesoteric Buddhism all originated from the doctrines of Mahavairocana. The true Dharani from the esoteric essences of Tathagata’s Dharmakaya had always remained in the Han region of China, notin Japan. It had continued passing downits lineage of Dharmakaya embodiment in the deep mountains.
The essences of Sino Esoteric Buddhism were never lost; its lineage does not pass down by simple teachings of doctrines, by the general spreading of sutras, by performing rituals, by the symbolic inheritance of robes, alms bowls and relicsand nor does it by academic research of Buddhism theories and cultures. Its essences lie in following the teachings of enlightened masters when Saddharma appears in response to setting in motion the wheel of the dharma. When such a Master is present, Saddharma will propagate in the world; when such a Master isnot present, Saddharma remains hidden. The esoteric teachings of the Buddha’s Saddharma lies in the confirmation of the universal truth through practicing. An Awakened One is virtuous with WhollyComplete Enlightenment; his Dharmakaya will remain in this world whileconnecting directly with the divine realm of Tathagata. Hence the meaning in the lineage of Dharmakaya embodiment will never cease. Those who do not understand the power of this wisdom could only use the righteous to do the deed of the evil. The esoteric essences of Tathagata within Jinke Saddharma are theAnuttarayoga taught through speech and mind by a Vajra master who had embodied the Dharmakaya of Tathagata. It is the ultimate Vajrayana Buddhism of secret within a secret that is both exoteric andesoteric. It had accumulated the fundamental practicing principles of all Buddhas before and include all the rituals of Dharani from the esoteric essences in Mandalas. These masters are fully awakened ones with boundless wisdoms and the insights to all truth. They are the truth of the universe, the wisdom in all dharmas, and the guide to reach enlightenment.
Walking Out of the Deep Mountains to Give Salvation with Higher Knowledge
In 1983, the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei had emerged from his practice in the mountains to visit numerous remote and poverty-stricken regions in Guangxi, China, such as Hechi, Yishan, Nandan, Huanjiang, Luocheng, Tian’e, Bama, Shanglin, Du’an, Baise, Longzhou, Fengshan…… where he helped and healed thousands of afflicted for free, propagated the Buddha-Dharma; gave salvationto those in torment. The people he encountered showered him with love andesteem. He later went back to the deep mountains of the Guangxi Autonomous Region, to Lianyin Mountain, to continue with his secluded esoteric meditationat the end of the year.
Master Jinke Xuanlei came down from the mountains again in May of 1993. The Masterstarted to propagate the Buddha-Dharma and also to heal the afflicted inNanning, Capital of the Guangxi Autonomous Region. Great sensations arose all over the region wherever he went in the most extraordinary fashion. From there on he wasinvited to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Hainan, Hubei, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Heilongjiang, Hong Kong then overseas to India, Bangladesh, Thailand,Vietnam, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, USA, Canada,Australia, France, Palau, the UAE and India to propagate the Buddha-Dharma andto save all who are willing from torment with his compassion and mercy. Since then tens of thousands of people have been treated by the Master, most of them improved greatly; many were with fataland obstinate diseases.
He is pouring out his heart and soul to grant health and happiness to all sentient beings! In the past three decades his footsteps have been all over the world. From the remote villages of the south to the bustling metropolises of the north, whether walking or driving, to poor village hut or a glamorous palace, as long as there are people who have the will to be enlightened he will save them all from torment with sincerity; for the rich or the poor, the powerful or the powerless. His compassion and arduousness have made an indelible impression deep in the hearts of all who had ever met him. Endless times he has healed those with fatal diseases and saved them right from the jaws of death with a miraculous cure; endless other times he has given salvation to those under torment and misfortunes by bearing all their deeds,thus reinforced people’s devotion to the Buddha-dharma. His illustrious Divine powers shocked those who have witnessed and experienced them personally; the encounter has left an imprint on their souls for all of eternity. It is no coincidence that people have faith, respect, and trust in the Master. The pure reflection of his virtueis shown by the remarkable tales of his extraordinary actions which are both legendary and numerous. The fame of Master Xuanlei had been spread around the world, bringing many government officials such as numerous politicians, entrepreneurs, renowned scientists,specialists, scholars, and eminent persons from both home and abroad have given high praises and dedications to the Master, bringing both nationally and internationally focus on the Master.
Interviews and reports of the Master had been published by many magazine, news and media outlets, including Xinhua News, Asian TV, Guangxi TV,Nanning TV, People’s Daily, CPPCC News, Wenweipo, China Old Age Paper, Guangxi Daily, Nanning Evening, Hong Kong Business, American New World Times, American Chinese Business, World Chinese Weekly in Canada, Top China, China Buddhist Bussinessmen, Chinese Children, Sword, Golden Ages, Sports News, Who's Who in the World, the Hindu, the Pioneer, Zee News, India Today, the Hindustan,Business Standards, the Indonesia International Daily News, the Indonesia Xunbao, and World Buddhism Forum.
Saddharma Reappears to Protect the Nation
During May of1997 and April of 1998, the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei had two meetings with Mr. Zhao Puchu, Vice-President of CPPCC and President of Buddhist Associationof China. Mr. Zhao Puchu discussed with the Master in depth with regards to the lineage and practicing methods of SinoEsoteric Buddhism. Also discussed werethe contributions that Sino Esoteric Buddhism had made towards protecting the nation and the benefits it has brought to its people throughout history. While immersed in the vast wisdoms of the Master, Mr. Zhao Puchu was also very excited to hear that Sino Esoteric Buddhism hadn’t perished. He projected far into the future and aimed high with strategic goals of benefiting thenation and to bring happiness to its people. He earnestly entreated the Master: “Without the renaissance of Sino Esoteric Buddhism, the prosperity of Chinese Buddhism will not be complete. The prosperity of Chinese Buddhism should include the renaissance of Sino Esoteric Buddhism! I shall be waiting anxiously for the Master to bring back the renaissance when all the conditions and dependent originations have been met! I wish with all my heart for Saddharma to reappear and illuminate our nation!”
With his disciples the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei visited the Shechen Monastery on June 29th of 2009, one of the six historical Monasteries of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism on the earnest invitation of the Living Buddha Gyahsap. Local Tibetans all welcomed the Master wholeheartedly where ever he went. They were filled with joys of dharma, showered the Master with khataksand prostrated in hope that the Master would bless them by touching their heads. Hundreds of lamas, Living Buddhas, and Rinpoches lined the road to welcome the arrival of the Master. The sound of Dharma horns reached high into the sky to welcome the first visit of a Dharmaraja from the Han region! The Master and the Living Buddha Gyahsap had deep discussions about matters regarding Esoteric Buddhismin both the Han and Tibetan Regions, their results were promising. This meeting will go down in history as oneof the most significant event in the exchanges of esoteric Buddhism between the two regions.
On December 29th of 2011, the Living Buddha Drukhang Thubten Khedrup, standing committee member of the CPPCC, the vice president of the China’s Buddhist Association, and the president of the Tibetan branch of China's Buddhist Association, visited theVajra Master Jinke Xuanlei at the Lianyin Temple of Shanglin in Guangxi. The Master and the Living Buddha discussed the issues of how to revive the religious harmony among the different ethnic groups in Tibetan Autonomous Region and thus promoting World Peace. The Living Buddha Drukhang happily said: “It is a great blessing for the community of Buddhism and all sentient beings that the lineage of Sino Esoteric Buddhism is not lost, and there is still a Mahasiddha amongst us. Propagating Sino Esoteric Buddhism is both beneficial for our nation and its people……
Upon earnest request from the organizing committee, the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei attended the 2013 Shoton Festival on August 6th, being held in Lhasa Drepung Monastery. The Shoton Festival is one of the most significant and grandest holidays in Tibetan Buddhism and the regional people’s life, with tens of thousands of believers from around the world coming to pay their prostration on this day. With the warmest welcome and earnest requests from Dharmacharyas,believers and staff, the majestic the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei formed esotericmudra with his hands, at the same time chanting the words of the Tathagata, the mysteries which are his body, speech and mind all entering into Samadhi. He then used the designated rituals from esoteric pitaka of the Esoteric Buddhism Mandala to show Dharma, and to pray for the Five Dhyani-Buddhas to descend on the Mandala to enter the Wisdom of the Embodied Nature of Dharmakaya……to bless all sentient beings with happiness and health.
The Master prays for happiness and health to believers from around the world, may they be purified off all their evil deeds, increase their wisdom and happiness, find the right path to Buddha-Dharma. Let fate be within destiny and alwaysremember to contribute toward promoting Buddhism for the solidarity amongethnic groups and to maintain social stability!
On November 17th of 2011, the historical city of Xi’an was graced with the warmth of the sun and clear blue skies, the gloomy rain that had beenfalling for days was nowhere to been seen. The Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei and his disciples attended the “Symposiumof Sino Esoteric Buddhism Culture” upon the invitation from Buddhism Research Department of the Northwestern University. On the afternoon of the 18th the Master gave a lecture on the topic of“Sino Esoteric Buddhism and a Harmonious Society” at the “Jinke Cultural Hall”of the Buddhism Research Department. Ph.D.s, Professors, teachers, and students from the NorthwesternUniversity, Shanxi Normal University, Xi’an Technology University Traditional Culture Research Department, Northwestern University Buddhism Research Department, along with officials from department of education, local entrepreneurs, and elites from all walks of life gathered together to listen to the brilliant expositions of the Master.
The Abbot of the Iron Buddha Monastery Shi Yan Hong with the warmest of greetings invited the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei to present at the “Completion Ceremony of the Iron Buddha Monastery that is the Nine Dragons Stupa ConsecrationCeremony.” On September 19th of 2009,before Kongfu monks of Shaolin Temple and thousands of believers, the VajraMaster Jinke Xuanlei walked in grace towards the site of the ceremony. Greeting monks led the Master on to the centre of the Main Hall in the temple to preside over the consecration ceremony. The Master prayed for Saddharma to always present, people to always live in happiness and health,gracious weather all year around, stability for the nation and its people and World Peace.
For the purpose of carrying forward Chinese traditional culture and to further promote friendly ties between countries around the world, the World Association of Diplomats organized the “2016 World Diplomats Chinese Culture Trip” to visit the Golden Lotus Lake in Shanglin, Guangxi. On March 12th, 2016 a delegation of over 50 delegates consists of three representatives from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the United Nations Development Program and the League of Arab States, as well as ambassadors and diplomats from Sri Lanka, Columbia,Chili, Russia, Malaysia, Brunei, Maldives, Romania, Montenegro, Moldova, Mauritius,Cape Verde, Hungry, Greece, Mongolia, Czech Republic, Malawi, Zimbabwe,Bahrain, Afghanistan and many other countries arrived in Shanglin.
With a shovel in hand, all the diplomats planted trees in front of the World Peace Prayer Mandala. Each one of the trees planted are symbols of wisdom, great love, friendship and peace. Through this joint effort, everyone hopes the World Peace and Friendship Trees will grow strong and tall and their entangled roots will unite them with community of the common destiny to protect World Peace! And to build a beautiful home for mankind! Since he came out of the deep mountains over two decades ago, the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei had committed himself in carrying forward Sino Esoteric Buddhism culture and promoting World Peace. To recognize his tireless efforts, the World Association of Diplomats and the organizing committee of the World Diplomats Chinese Culture Trip presented the special honorary title “One Belt and One Road” Messenger of Peace to the Master. By their observation of the Master’s past efforts, they value the Master as the cultural ambassador of Sino Esoteric Buddhism who is spreading the message of peace, friendship, and great love.
Jinke Mandala Artists of Sino Esoteric Buddhism was also invited to participate in the “First Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Cultural Expo”. During the expo, the exhibition of the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei’s paintings and calligraphies of divine wisdom became the focal point. Spectators gathered in groups to appreciate these magnificent art works that they had never seen before.
After he is acquainted with the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei’s efforts in promoting Mandala cultures and the Buddha’s compassionate love around the world in the past few decades, the honorable guest of the Expo Mr. Palitha Tewarapperuma, the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs from Sri Lanka, was deeply moved. When he had learned that the Master had used art and the Buddha-dharma to resolve hatred amongst people and advocate tirelessly for World Peace, he said with great emotions: “My country also has many conflicts between different races. We need Mandala Culture artworks to bring back the great love of the Buddha to our country, to help us resolve conflicts and bring peace and happiness to our people.
Sino Esoteric Buddhism Connects the World
During October 1st to October 25th of 2009, the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei traveled over land and sea to bring the wisdom seed of Bodhi to America to give salvation to those worthy. On October 11th “World Peace Day”, with the invitation from the organizing committee the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei presided over the “World Peace Praying Ceremony” held in Washington Square to pray for World Peace and the happiness of all sentient beings! Believers from different religious backgrounds, Muslims, Catholics, Christians, and others, peace lovers and eminent persons from around the world attended the praying ceremony. The Master was majestic, compassionate and merciful. He blessed all believers by touching their head to purify their deeds, gave them wisdom and happiness and planted the seed of wisdom in them. At the ruins of the World Trade Center in New York, the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei and his disciples held a ceremony on October 17th to pray for all Buddhas often directions and realms to come and release the souls of the victims in 9.11 from purgatory. On October 23rd, the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei went to the Memorial Hall of Pearl Harbor to release the souls of soldiers who had dead in the attack on Pearl Harbor during WWII from purgatory, may they all reach the gates of heaven.
January 2011 saw the warmest invitation from the Canadian Senator Mr.Roger Pomerleau M.P. to the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei to visit Vancouver in Canada. He welcomed the Master and praised him for all his contribution and efforts in promoting mutual understanding between the citizens of both countries and for engaging in religious and culture exchange events! During the Master’s trip in Canada, he also met with Senator Derek Lee M.P., Minister of Industry Mr. Christian Paradis, special assistant to the former Prime Minister of Canada Mr. Marc Kealey, former Minister of Culture of Ontario Mr. David Tsubouchi, special Ambassador of the Japanese Culture Center Mr. Sid KiyoshiIkeda and elite Canadian-Chinese and others from all walks of life in Canada. The Master propagated the Buddha-Dharma and enlightened them with the truth of life. With the sincere invitation from the Mayor of Markham in Ontario, Mr. Frank Scarpitti, the Vajra Master and his disciples attended the Japanese Earthquake Relief Fundraising Banquet. The Master prayed together with everyone for the earthquake struck Japanese people, to release the souls of those who died during the earthquake so may they find peace in heaven.
By the officially invitation of President Tommy E. Remengesau Jr. of Palau, the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei and members of the Sino Esoteric Buddhism Association arrived on September 30th. They joined in the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the independence of Palau. On the afternoon of October 1st President Tommy E. Remengesau met with the representatives of the Sino Esoteric Buddhism Association and exchanged friendly communications. The President put his hand together and bowedin front of the Master to be blessed and having the seed of wisdom planted.
That afternoon, the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei and his disciples held a Sino Esoteric Buddhism Fire Offering Ritual in front of the Capital Building. The Master led Jinke disciples to walk around the capital buildings step by step while chanting esoteric mantras to set up the Jinke Mandala in preparation to pray for the Republic of Palau and to pray for World Peace: as the ritualistic Guards of Honor marched on, guests attending the celebration were attracted by the mysterious oriental Buddhist culture and gathered around to observe, taking pictures and eventually joining in. Applause and cheers mixed in with the sound of dharma horn and drums to reach high into the clouds.
On October 3rd, the Master invited the Prime Minister Secilil Eldebechel and the Presidential assistant Vann Isaac to the Palasia Hotel to present two Jinke Mandala Esoteric paintings which were drawn by the Master personally. One is the <Dragon of the East>, and the other is the <Wisdom of Vajra>.
The China Public Diplomacy Association joined together with the Embassy of China in India and the Embassy of China in Bangladesh to organize “The South Asia Trip of the Ambassadors of Culture from China” in March of 2015. The Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei was invited to participate in the events.
On March 26, the first leg of the “South Asia Trip” was the grand opening ceremony of the “Exhibition of Fine Arts of Contemporary China” to celebrate the 65th Anniversary of Sino-India Diplomatic Ties. During the in aguaration, the grand paintingand calligraphy titled “The Vajrayana Mandala of Dragon and Elephant” created by the Master attracted the attentions of eminient persons from all sectors of Indian society. A prominent scholar in the India culture scene Prof. Dr. Lokesh Chandra gave the ancient “Vajradhatu Mandala” and “Garbhadhatu Mandala” to the Master and said: “The Master had brought the seed of Sino Esoteric Buddhism back to India and this has never happened in history. The actions of theMaster had reopened the door for Buddha-dharma exchange between the two countries which had been closed for over 1200 years……..” He had treasured these mandalas for decades.
On the evening of March 28th, the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei was invited make keynote speech at the “First Asian Peace Forum”, which was organized bythe Society for Asian Integration. Thereafter, the Master and his disciples was invited to visit Sarnath,the Ganga, Bodi Gaya, the Ancient Nalanda University and the Memorial Hall ofXuanzang. The Master propagated theBodhi seed of compassion where ever he went; to redirect his boundless virtues,merits and compassion to the people of India. He had caused sensations everywhere he visited; believers of different religions all love and esteemed him.
On April 2nd, during the celebration of the 40th anniversary of Sino-Bangladesh Diplomatic Ties with the “Exhibition of Fine Arts of Contemporary China”. The Minister for Cultural Affairs Mr. Asaduzzaman Noor told reporters during his interview: “The divine paintings by the Master had broken the normal rules of painting. This kind of creativenessis extremely rare to see, and it builds a great bridge linking the culture and art aspects of Bangladesh and China……..”
On April 3rd, the Master and his disciples was invited by Sanghanayaka Suddhananda Mahathero, a renowned Buddhism leader in South Asia and the Lord Abbot of the Dharmarajika Buddhist Monastery, to visit his monastery. By the invitation of the Lord Abbot, the Master led his disciples to the square of the Buddha statue to start the extraordinary prayer ceremony of Sino Esoteric Buddhism Mandala; to pray for the people of Bangladesh, to pray for the peaceful friendship between China and Bangladesh.
Sino Esoteric Buddhism Jinke Mandala artists had also been invited to visit Thailand, Nepal, Indonisia, Japan and many other countries to carry forward traditional Chinese culture and to spread the Bodhi Compassion.
An Awakened Master Who Had Mastered the Five Ancient Sciences
Numerous awards and honors were bestowed upon the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei from various organizations around the world, such as the Doctor of Medicine Degree from the Open International University, which is affiliated with the WHO of the UN, the Fellowship Register of Royal Complementary Practitioner issued by the Complementary Medicine and Medicine Alternativa Institute of the Open International University, the Royal Physician Certificate of Excellence given by the Ancient Order of Kings, the Achievement’s Award of Human Green Medicine from the World Natural Medicine Organization, the World Famous Doctor Award granted by the World Peace Foundation of the UN NGO, the Doctorate of Honor Doctor issued by the World Research Center for Celebrity Culture of USA, the Achievement’s Award of Art in China Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting and he was also invited to be the Council Member of the Red Cross Society of China. In 2014, the art works of the Master were showcased at the Louvre Museum in France to honor the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Sino-France diplomatic relations, where the award of traditional art was given to the Master by the International Exhibition of Eastern Art in Paris.
The divine paintings and calligraphies by the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei are drawn by arranging the Mandala according to the Sadhana (esoteric liturgy) of Jinke Mandala. Before he starts to work on each of his paintings or calligraphies the Master will pray to all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Guardians of heavenly realms for them tod escend on to the Mandala by envisioning and chanting mantras, reciting sutras,forming mudras, embodying the Dharmakaya, his spirit reaching the realm of the divine, and connecting directly with the top of Mount Meru. By concentrating the powers of the wisdom of Vajra on to the brush, the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei can write with the brushlevitated in the air …… the art works possesses miraculous powers of blessing. It cannot be compared with the techniques of regular art works. The meanings behind each art work are the most extraordinary and the easier approach given by the Master to practice the dharma that is filled with deep and profound esoteric meanings; a most treasured holy jewel bestowed by the Master to his disciples and those who are connected with Buddhism. Many leaders both home and abroad as well as many high ranking officials of the CPPCC and eminent persons have had the chance to treasure and praise the Master’s paintings and calligraphies. The chairman of the Buddhist Association of China, vice-president of CPPCC, Mr. Zhao Puchu had said before: “The paintings and calligraphies of the Master Jinke Xuanlei have filled in the great void in Buddhism Art.” The curator of National Art Museum of China, Mr. Fan Di’An praised the calligraphy of the Master Jinke Xuanlei with: “Where it seems to be formless there is structure, where there seems to be structure there is no form. Its richness in texture is full of tenacity, charm and the flow of Ch’iis fluent and potent. It is an art form all on its own that could only be described as a wonder that could not be copied.” The curator’s inscription of the Master was: “An inspiration of heaven and earth for the benefit of mankind.”
Mr. Wu Jiagui, a famous Chinese calligrapher had said with deep emotion:“The calligraphy of the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei is neither Yan, Wang nor Zhao Style. The Master does not have to follow the traditional rules of regular script, clerical script, nor sealcharacters. It is truly a unique form of panting and calligraphy……”
The curator of the National Art Museum of China Mr. Wu Weishan, praised that the Master’s art works had established new traditions and were magnificent. His inscription to the Master was: “The brush that can control wind and rain”.
The China Public Diplomacy Association and the Artist Association of China joined together and organized the grand opening ceremony of ‘Colorful Asian, Cultural China’ International Art Exhibition at the Times Art Museum of Beijing on November 10th of 2014. The organizing committee specially invited the Master to showcase his magnificent works of wisdom, namely <The Vajra of Wisdom> and <The Eastern Dragon> andother works. The People’s Daily, Xinhua News and many other media reported the exhibition extensively. Diplomats from Jamaica, Italy, Portugal, Venezuela,Columbia and many other countries invited the Master to visit their country to raise awareness of Sino Esoteric Buddhism; to showcase the masterpieces of Sino Esoteric Buddhism Mandala to their people.
The Enlightened Master Reappears to Benefit All Willing
With the restoration and rebuilding of the ancient Lianyin Temple in Shanglin County of Guangxi Autonomous Region of China, the Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei had bestowed all the merits, knowledge and wealth he had acquired in the past few decades to all Sentient Beings. This is for the propagation of Buddha-Dharma and to give salvation to all through compassion and mercy. The Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei will also lead his disciples to start the grand construction of the Jinke Mandala Culture Center, the ASEAN Countries’ Peace Praying Mandala, the Thousand Buddhas Cave and the Medicine Buddha Pagoda. The construction of the Ancient Pagoda Culture Park in Chaoyang District, Beijing will include the restoration of the Temple of Guanyin (Avalokiteshvara), the Jivita Temple and two other temples,the World Peace Praying Mandala, the Jinke Mandala Culture Center, Beijing Jinke Mandala Painting and Calligraphy Institute; many other structures in the style of Buddhism will also be a part of the project. The efforts for these projects are to provide a pure land for all Sentient Being to practice Buddha-Dharma in equanimity and to benefit all human kind.
The Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei will spread the Buddha-Dharma which will brings alvations to all Sentient Beings, for this he will conquer many great difficulties and overcome all obstacles. He never cares about fame or fortune; always contributes in silence, and make sacrifices when needed. He vows to extend the teachings of the Buddha to all Sentient Beings, for the rich or thepoor, the high caste or low, no matter how hard or painful it will be to him. He will cleanse and enlighten the souls of all Sentient Beings for the benefit of the country and its people. He often says:” My greatest treasure comes from the awakening of Sentient Beings.”
The Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei is a Mahasiddha of Wholly Complete with the Prajna Sainthood of Inner Radiance Enlightenment and Sambhogakaya Nirvana. He is a great spiritual leader who has returned to the desire realm to honor his vows of compassion. He came down from the mountains to teach the essences of Sino Esoteric Buddhism, lost in history for more than one thousand years, this treasure of China is now finally brought back into the eyes of the people, in the hopes of leading mankind into obtaining true faith, and find the right faith, the right insight, the right awareness, the right practice, and finally be awakened, which in turn will remove their troubles from the cycle of life and birth and finally achieve Nirvana.
The Vajra Master Jinke Xuanlei, a Mahasiddha had immersed all his life and soul into the state of the Buddha-Dharma and turned all his merits, vows, wisdom, compassion and mercy towards all sentient beings. He will cleanse and enlighten the souls of all Sentient Beings, bringing hope to all by showing the way to enlightenment, teach wisdom to all; for those who wish to profess to the Buddha-Dharma in hope of reaching enlightenment he will give them courage to progress rapidly in the practice of Buddha-Dharma, to practice the six paramitas in everyday life, to end all their sufferings and sorrows, stand-still the cycle of rebirth for those who wish to be reborn in the Pure Land of Vairochana located in the center of the universe.
He, who had come from history, will eventually return to history ……
We wish all those who desire an end to suffering and sorrow will find their way to enlightenment, and to always make merits to benefit all with happiness and joy.
Let the boundless love of our heart spread to every corner of the world, let there be no more hatred nor hostility, and may all sentient beings rejoice in the goodwill that has been brought forth by this love we share!
Jinke Saddharma of Tathagata, Esoteric Buddhism from photon Dharmakaya.
Auspicious light break obstacles, divine nectar prevent disasters.
Wisdom of Vajradhatu and Gabardhadu, virtues reappear in Mandala.
All realms praise the Master, reborn to return merits to sentient beings.
Om Namo Mahavairocana of the East!
Om Namo True Dharmakaya Jinyin Buddha of the East!
Om Namo Shakyamuni Buddha!
Om Namo Amitabha!